Slovakia Moloss Club Special Show
On Saturday, May 18, in Tlmače we sponsored the Special Show through our Slovakian distributor that was held by Slovakia Moloss Club. In the show where magnificent dogs from lots of breed took part with their owners, the winners were awarded with medals and also with our BonaCibo Puppy & BonaCibo Adult Dog brand dry foods.
The ones that attracted the most attention of the show were of course the Mastiff dogs, which have been bred by our Slovakian distributor and fed with BonaCibo since they were born.
We are very proud of the fact that our brands BonaCibo, Micho, Mito, Kucho & Kennel are able to make their name more and more popular through these events each day and that they are appreciated by everyone who firstly try.
As Çağatay Petfood Family, we would like to thank all participants and also our distributor for sponsoring this organization. Hope to see you at the next event!